Where to Stay

Hotels in proximity to Sarova Panafric

All the hotels are within a walking distance of between 10 to 20 minutes


Sagret Hotel Equatorial Limited


Bed and Breakfast

Single:  USD 60
Doublet: USD 70

Half Board

Single: US 70
Double: US 95

Email: sagret@sagrethotls.co.ke  website: www.safrethotel.com


KIVI Milimani Hotel


This is an agreed discounted rate and you need to book through the conference organizer

Bed and Breakfast

Single: USD 50
Double: USD 75

Half Board

Single: USD 60
Double: USD 85

Email: reservations@kivimilimanihotel.com  website: www.kivimilimanihotel.com


LMS Guest House and Conference


This is inclusively vegetarian and run by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Though not discounted they prefer booking through Conference Organizer

Bed and Breakfast

Single: USD 47
Double: USD 70

Email: lmsguesthouse@yahoo.com  website: www.lmsguesthouse.com


Sarova Panafric


Negotiated discounted rate – bookings through the Conference Organizer

Bed and Breakfast

Single: USD 120
Double: USD 150
Tripple: USD 190