It gives me a pleasure to invite you to read our second release of this year’s publication, courtesy to our hardworking editor. We have had an interesting year full of various activities within our home countries mainly focusing on diabetes. We also have had a good representation at the international conferences ISPAD and ESPE thus improving our visibility on the international scene. I wish to thank our colleages who have ably represented us in these events and those that have taken up specifics tasks on various international task teams
March this year we all converge in Accra, Ghana for yet another key event in our calendar that promises to be very
exciting. I urge members to come in plenty as this will also be a time to elect in new leaders. The LOC has prepared a
comprehensive scientific program for us with invited eminent speakers who have been very supportive in our PETCA/PETWA programs
I wish to thank those of you that have been consistent in their support of this newsletter through contribution of articles that touch of research and care of patients. I urge members from east Africa region not to be left behind in this initiative.